Distance Learning



Distance Education is a teaching method in which communication and interaction between those who plan and implement educational studies and learners are provided from a certain center through specially prepared teaching units and various environments in cases where clasroom activities are not possible due to limitations in traditional lerning-teaching methods.

Again , we can define distance education as follows ; ıt is a corporate training activity where students ,teachers and teaching materials in different places are brought together through communication Technologies .

Why Distance Education ?

  • It enables lifelong learning .

  • It is an education system that can serve a wide range of students .

  • It is indispensable for those who do not benefit from traditional education .

  • It can offer training services with different applications to the target audience consisting of individuals with different qualifications.

  • İt allows each student to learn at their own pace .

  • Increasing , changing and diversifying knowledge and skills .

  • It is a system that can offer a wide variety of communication Technologies to education service .

  • It isstudent centered .

What is Synchronous – A synchronous Distance Education ?

  • Synchronous distance education ( Simultaneous distanceeducation ) In distance education , the interaction between the instructor and the student at the same time is called synchronous distance education .

  • Synchronous education is the general character of classsical face-to-face education . There is more asynchronous education in distance education methods that eliminate time and space .

  • Virtual courses given in Asynchronous Distance Education do not have the concept of time and space .

  • Click here to access the Distance Education Course Tracking System for students taking courses from distance education groups to follow the courses online .

  • System login information of students who take courses from distance education groups are sent to their e-mail adresses with the extension @onbes.kku.edu.tr.Thelogin information of the students who registered are registered in the distance education system in the previous periods will not be changed .

  • Announcements,exams,assignments,etc. All informatabout the courses is made through the USB system .
